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Clarkson And Mcentires Close Bond

Kelly Clarkson and Reba McEntire Share a Tearful Voice Rehearsals

Clarkson and McEntire's Close Bond

In a recent episode of The Voice, Kelly Clarkson and Reba McEntire shared an emotional moment during rehearsals. As Clarkson discussed her divorce from ex-husband Brandon Blackstock with host Andy Cohen, she couldn't help but break down in tears.

McEntire's Connection to Clarkson

McEntire has a long-standing history with Clarkson, having served as her coach on The Voice. The country music legend also had a close relationship with Blackstock's mother, Reba McEntire. As Clarkson poured out her heart about the challenges she faced, McEntire offered a comforting shoulder to lean on.

Their Shared Experience

Both Clarkson and McEntire have experienced their own share of heartbreak and loss. Clarkson's divorce from Blackstock was a difficult time, while McEntire lost her husband, Narvel Blackstock, in 2018. In this moment, they found solace in sharing their experiences and providing support for one another.


The emotional connection between Kelly Clarkson and Reba McEntire was evident during their rehearsal session. Their shared experiences and deep friendship allowed them to come together and support each other during a difficult time. This heartwarming display of vulnerability and compassion serves as a reminder that even in the face of adversity, human connections can provide solace and strength.
