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Chief Executive Paula Vennells To Testify In Inquiry

Post Office Scandal: Former Boss Vennells to Face Public Inquiry

Chief Executive Paula Vennells to Testify in Inquiry

Former Post Office chief executive Paula Vennells will face the Post Office inquiry once more. She was previously stunned into silence during the inquiry's first phase last year. Vennells and BT chairman Adam Crozier have been summoned to testify before the inquiry.

Vennells Stripped of CBE

Vennells has been formally stripped of her CBE honor for her role in the Post Office scandal. The scandal involved the wrongful conviction of hundreds of sub-postmasters for theft.

Public Pressure Mounts

The inquiry is putting increasing pressure on Vennells and the Post Office. Ex-Post Office CEO Paula Vennells and former Beatle John Lennon are the only two people to return their CBE honors in protest.


The Post Office scandal has had a devastating impact on numerous lives. The public inquiry is providing a platform for victims to seek justice and hold those responsible accountable. Vennells' upcoming testimony will be closely followed as it may shed light on the full extent of the scandal and the role she played in it.
